HPVinfo.ca is an initiative of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC), Canada’s leading authority on sexual and reproductive health. Content on the site is developed by the SOGC in collaboration with a team of health professionals, and is based on clinical practice guidelines from the SOGC.

Health information on this site is intended as general information only. It is not intended to replace an in-person consultation with a health care provider, nor is it intended to provide medical advice.

The SOGC would like to thank Dr. Jennifer Blake and Dr. Wendy Wolfman for their contributions to the review of the content for this website.

The SOGC is grateful for the financial contribution in the form of unrestricted grant from Merck Canada Inc.

We hope you find what you’re looking for on this site. For questions, or if there is a topic you would like to see covered, please send us an email.