What is HPVinfo.ca?

HPVinfo.ca delivers evidence-based information about the human papillomavirus. All material on this site is developed and reviewed by health-care professionals and is based on guidelines from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). HPVinfo.ca is administered by the SOGC, Canada’s leading authority on sexual and reproductive health.

All of us against HPV Facebook Live Event

In this video, Dr. Kim Alexander discusses the importance of vaccination, why it should ideally be administered at an early age, how in-school vaccination works and what to consider if you are wanting the vaccine as an adult. Recorded in 2021.

FAQ from the Facebook Live Event

The SOGC Women’s Health Podcast: HPV Prevention Week with Dr. Nancy Durand

In this podcast episode, Dr. Nancy Durand speaks about HPV which is the most common sexually transmitted infection. In fact, most people who have sex will get HPV at some point in their lives, though many don’t experience symptoms.